
Distribution of grocery and purchasing cards to ~1,000 welfare families from the hard hit cities of Ashkelon, Netivot Sderot and Ofakim

Rapid Monetary Support

Our initiative is dedicated to providing relief to welfare-dependent families displaced from three cities in southern Israel. These families, already grappling with low income and reliant on welfare support, now find themselves temporarily dispersed across the country. The prevailing situation has led to widespread unemployment, exacerbating the financial hardship they already face.

Social workers from the three affected cities have identified approximately 1,000 such families, compiling a comprehensive list to ensure targeted support. This assistance will be channeled through fellow case workers located across the country. The management of this endeavor is entrusted to ClearGiving, an organization with an established history of collaboration with welfare departments during normal circumstances.

It's important to note that no overhead costs will be incurred during the execution of this project. Our primary objective is to provide each of these families with 5,000 NIS (equivalent to $1,250) over the next couple of months. We have started distributing an initial sum of 2,000 NIS ($500) to each of the 1,000 families.

Join Project Tkooma

To support us, please follow this link (operated by ClearGiving),or wire your donation to the account listed below.

To support us

Operated by ClearGiving
Or wire to donate

Wire Instructions

Account Owner

GSD Advisers, Inc.

Account Number


Routing number


Bank details

Valley National Bank


For Project Tkooma

After completing the wire transfer, please send an email to us at to notify us about the upcoming transfer. Include the donor's name and address where the 501(c)(3) tax receipt should be sent.

If you’d like your funds to go into a specific project, feel free to email us with those details and we will confirm.

For any question reach out to us directly at

Project Tkooma operates as a subsidiary of ClearGiving, a registered NGO (no. 580677169).
US donations will receive a tax deductible receipt from GSD Advisers, Inc., a 501(c)(3) US public charity that supports charitable organizations in Israel.